4 Signs That Your Gate City, VA, Furnace May Be Failing

Experiencing a furnace breakdown during a cold winter night in Norton, VA, isn’t pleasant. Learn signs that indicate your furnace may be failing and needs repair or replacement.

Odd Odors

Firstly, don’t worry if you notice a slight fuel odor the first couple of times you run the furnace each year. However, it’s time to schedule a furnace repair appointment if you’re noticing any of the following smells continuously coming from the vents:

  • Burning gas.
  • Burning plastic.
  • Rotten egg.

Carbon Monoxide Leaks

If your furnace’s carbon monoxide detector gets triggered, you have a serious issue on your hands. Turn off the furnace immediately. Call in a service technician and a gas company representative to identify the source of the gas leak.

Strange Sounds

Your furnace shouldn’t make any odd noises. For example, a whistling sound indicates a possible airflow restriction. The cause might simply be a dirty air filter, or it could mean an obstruction has occurred inside the ductwork.

A scraping sound may mean a loose part needs tightening. You might need the electronic ignition system serviced if you’re hearing banging sounds. Get all strange noises inspected by your service technician before the situation turns severe enough to warrant an emergency furnace replacement.

Poor Air Quality

Finally, a poorly maintained HVAC system results in indoor air quality deterioration caused by bacteria, dust, dirt and other debris enter your living space. Do you notice family members experiencing worsened colds, coughs or other respiratory problems? Have you noticed more dust accumulation throughout the house recently?

Replace the air filter as a first step. If that doesn’t help the air quality issue, ask your service technician to assess the situation.

If you notice any signs of furnace failure, it’s time to schedule a repair. Contact Mid Mountain Heating & Cooling so that we can schedule your next furnace repair or maintenance appointment.

Image provided by iStock

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